
  • Install Vray Wibu Key
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 2. 04:02

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    Issue with license must be resolved before you can use V-RayIf your Render Setup dialog resembles the image on the left, V-Ray is correctly installed and ready to use. If the message 'Could not obtain a license' appears, then either V-Ray has no access to the license server (if -200 appears at the end of the message) or no license is available (if -98 appears). This issue will need to be resolved before you can use V-Ray. See the section below for information on how to solve the issue.License Errors. This message means V-Ray is unable to obtain a license for your current session.

    Wibu Box U

    There are two possible reasons for the message 'Could not obtain a license':. No access to the license server. Your machine cannot connect to the license server through your network for any one of a number of reasons. This could be a connection problem with your network, or could be an issue at the license server's end such as the dongle not being plugged in. No license available.

    You have access to the license server, but there are no licenses currently available. If your organization has several licenses, they are all currently in use. If your dongle or floating license is only for the academic version of V-Ray and you attempt to run the commercial version, V-Ray will tell you that it can't obtain a license. Another scenario is that your dongle is only for V-Ray for Maya and you are attempting to run V-Ray for 3ds Max.The error number that appears at the end of the error statement, and the place where the error message appears, can tell you about the nature of the error. After looking up the cause of the error in the table below, see the section below for information on how to solve the issue. Restart the machine with the V-Ray license server and dongle installed.

    Unplug the dongle and plug it into a different USB port, preferably a USB 2.0 port. Make sure that Windows properly recognizes the dongle and doesn't show an error message.

    If you receive an error message, please see The V-Ray license server can't find the dongle under. Start the V-Ray license server from Windows Start menu All Programs Chaos Group V-Ray Adv for 3dsMax Licensing Launch V-Ray license server. You might receive a message warning that the V-Ray license server is already running. Open the link in a web browser on the same machine. This will open the V-Ray license server status web page.

    If it looks like the screenshot below, the license server is working.If the status page does not look like the screenshot above, then there is a network problem that prevents the connection to the V-Ray license server. If you have any firewall or antivirus software running on your machines, make sure they are not blocking the application's access to the network or blocking the communication on TCP/IP port 30304. Please contact your system administrator for more information. After you have addressed the issue of 'no license server', you can perform the following steps to check on available licenses. On the same machine where the V-Ray license server is running, open the link.

    Next, you will need to look for your licenses. The icon is hidden by the Auto-hide unused icons option of the Windows System Tray or the V-Ray license server is registered as a Windows service.If you have the Auto-hide unused icons option of the Windows System Tray, click on the double-arrow icon to expand the full list of icons.If you still do not see the V-Ray licensing service icon, that means that the V-Ray licensing service is started as a Windows service and in that case it cannot show any graphical user interface. There is currently no resolution for this; you need to manage the V-Ray license service from the Windows Control Panel Administrative tools Services applet.Dongle Issues. This error message appears when the V-Ray license server cannot find a dongle attached to the machine. Make sure the dongle is not plugged in. Uninstall the WIBU-KEY driver from the Windows Control Panel.

    Update your USB drivers to the latest version. Restart your machine. Download and install the latest WIBU-KEY drivers from. Attach the dongle to a different USB port, preferably to USB 2.0. Make sure that Windows recognizes the dongle and doesn't show error messages. To verify that dongle is properly installed, go to the Windows Control Panel System applet.

    Choose the Hardware tab and then click on the Device manager button. Expand the Universal serial bus controllers list and check for a WIBU-BOX/RU entry there:If you do not find this entry, try plugging the dongle into a different USB port. These errors are caused by the recently added Microsoft Update KB3004394 (added in December 2014 for Windows Root Certificate Program). Affected operating systems are Windows 7 and higher. This update breaks the WIBU-KEY driver.To fix this problem, you can run Windows Update and update your operating system to the latest version.Alternatively you can install the Microsoft fix for this issue, available from. You will need to download the appropriate package for your particular OS and install it.After you complete the steps given by Microsoft, follow the instructions below in order to repair your WIBU-KEY driver:1.

    Install Vray Wibu Key

    Unplug all WIBU-KEY dongles from the PC.2. Go to Start Control Panel Programs and Features and uninstall the WIBU-KEY drivers by double-clicking on WibuKey Setup (WibuKey Remove).3. Follow the instructions given by the Uninstaller.4. Open a Windows Explorer window, and in the address bar enter%systemroot%inf.5. Find the file wibukeyPCMCIA.inf and delete it.6.

    Search for a file named oem.inf that contains the term WIBU. To do this, enter WIBU in the search bar, and when the search is complete click the File Contents button:7. The search might take a while, but in the end it should find a file named oem.inf. Delete that file and the file that has the same name with the extension.pnf. For example, if you found a file named oem123.inf, delete that file and also delete oem123.pnf.8. In Windows Explorer, in the address bar enter%systemroot%system32drivers.9.

    Find and delete all WibuKey.sys files.10. Click Windows Start and in the search field type regedit. Run the regedit program found.11.

    This will open the Registry Editor. Find and delete the following keys:In HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices if any of the following folders exist, delete them:WIBUKEYWibuKey2WibuKey264In HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE find and delete the folder WIBU-SYSTEMS.12. Restart the computer.13. After reboot, download the latest driver form the official under the WibuKey for Users section. Do not install it before following the next instructions.14. Ensure that you have administrative rights, and make sure the dongle is NOT plugged in.15.

    Now, double-click on the installation file and follow the instructions.16. After the installation has finished, plug in the dongle. The New hardware found window will appear and install the new hardware automatically. This happens because the.rtu file is not associated properly with the WIBU-KEY drivers.First, try the steps from The V-Ray license server can't find the dongle. If that doesn't help, proceed with the steps below:1. Make sure that the dongle is plugged in.2.

    In the Windows Control Panel locate the WibuKey management tool and run it. You will need to start it in Advanced Mode from the system menu by clicking on the system icon in title bar (shown in red in the screenshot below).3. Go to the WibuBox Update tab.4.

    Click Browse, specify the.rtu file, and click Apply. You might find that the dongle works perfectly for extended periods of time, but that it periodically 'disappears' and is no longer detected by Windows as a USB device. This could cause the V-Ray license server to fail or V-Ray licenses to be refused. There can be a number of reasons related to the hardware configuration and Windows settings, such as power options.Check your Windows power options to see what happens when the machine is idle, and make sure your USB devices are not powered off.Try plugging the dongle into a different USB port on the same machine, preferably USB 2.0, and restart the V-Ray license server.If you still experience problems, try installing the dongle on a different machine.V-Ray RT Issues. If V-Ray RT crashes when rendering on CUDA/OpenCL without showing a specific error message, the scene you are trying to render is too large and the graphics card memory is insufficient.You can try to reduce the scene size by reducing the polygon count or by using lower resolution textures.

    Also, you can use the Resize textures for GPU option under the to automatically resize textures during rendering on the GPU.Alternately, you can upgrade your hardware to include a graphics device containing more memory. When rendering with V-Ray RT running in OpenCL mode, if it takes too long for the render to begin and the vray.exe process is taking too much memory, y our GPU drivers are unable to compile the OpenCL code needed to render the scene with your video card.The best solution is to switch V-Ray RT to use CUDA.

    Alternately, you can try and find drivers for your graphics device that are capable of compiling the OpenCL code needed to run V-Ray RT on GPU. However, the latest drivers are not always appropriate. This means that you might need to experiment until you find the correct drivers. Copyright © 2019 Chaos Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. V-Ray and the V-Ray logo, Phoenix FD and the Phoenix FD logo are registered trademarks of Chaos Software Ltd. In Bulgaria and/or other countries.

    Autodesk and Maya are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Apple, Mac, Mac OS X, OS X and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. And other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. And other countries.

    All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

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